Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time.

Fucking people, man.

I don't understand it.  I honestly cannot twist any of my internal logic or put myself in a place where that kind of pointless, baseless hate makes any sense.  While I'm admittedly more of a pacifist than many, I can at least understand the point of view of non-pacifists.  Actual unabashed hatred of anyone for reasons no better than skin color is beyond my comprehension.

How is it at all possible to rationalize that murdering people you don't know who have in no way wronged you or anyone you know is going to improve the world?  Who will benefit from this?  What the fuck is the point?  

It is the twenty-first century goddammit, humanity is supposed to be past this shit (and don't even get me started on the lack of flying cars).  In the age of the Internet and near instant communication it is unacceptable for people to still be so ignorant and hateful.  It seems like it should be obvious to people who preach and act out their intolerance and hate that every other person on the planet just thinks they're being a total asshat.  Seriously, just read the Youtube comments on your stupid hate speech.

Life is too short to spend it worrying about how those guys over there don't look like you, or don't believe in the same god(s) that you do, or have different politics than you.  Who cares?  What is the point?  Spending your time hating is only going to take years off of your life, and the years you do get are spent on nothing of substance.  Even if you believe in some manner of afterlife how does that excuse being a bastard during this one?  I believe the appropriate answer is that it doesn't.  Even if you had the misfortune of an upbringing that indoctrinated you with  the superiority of your race/religion why do you need to do anything more than sit at home and bask in your glow?  Go to your meetings where you can tell each other how right you are and how great it is to be you, and leave everyone else the fuck alone.

Fortunately the two fucktards in the article I linked didn't have enough brainpower to light up an ant city that just passed a series of stringent energy conservation laws, let alone succeed in their reprehensible plot, but there very probably are people who wouldn't be classified as mentally retarded who share their (lack of) morals.  In a day and age when we, as a species, have the capacity for destruction on a global scale we cannot survive with such primitive 'us' and 'them' mentalities.  We are all humans, and we are all in this together.  Fate has left us out here on this tiny chunk of rock in the middle of nowhere, and we need to learn to celebrate our similarities or we risk eliminating our entire species.  In the words of Bill Maher, "Grow up, or die".

I will leave my closing thoughts to a man much more eloquent than I (and it nicely closes off my American History X quote I opened with): 'We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.' 
-Abraham Lincoln


Ty said...

all heavy issues aside, this story has the potential to be HI-larious. Did you read how they were planning to kill Senator Obama? They were going to wear top-hats, and drive their car straight at him, while shooting. .... hahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Thats right before they got gunned the frack down by the 8billion secret service surrounding him at all times.
haha. le dumb.

Kevsnare said...

From all indications, these guys were just a couple idiots who probably never could have killed Obama anyway. However, I guarantee they aren't the only idiots out there with a plan like this. There are a lot of violent, scary, racist people in this country. As tragic as it would be, I don't think anyone would truly be surprised if Obama were to be assassinated.