Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

Today is election day.  

This is, without doubt, the most important election that has happened in my lifetime.  I have spent the last eight years of my life watching my country slowly erode.  George W. Bush has tarnished the name of the United States of America in the world community to the point where we have to pretend to be Canadian if we travel abroad.  He has led us into a war that we don't belong in, fighting for a cause that cannot be won, and providing us no end in sight, but providing incalculable death and misery for Americans and Iraqis alike.  We have engaged in the despicable act of torturing our enemies and denying them basic human rights.  Our own civil liberties have been infringed upon in the name of security, but we are no safer than we were seven years ago.  Our economy is trashed, but I somehow doubt oil companies will see much loss of profit.  George W. Bush has been a blight on this fair nation, and I absolutely cannot wait to see him go.

Things need to change  (see what I did there?) .  We simply cannot afford another four years of having a president who does not differ with George Bush on any major decision that will affect our country.  A man whose response to the question "How will you be different from George Bush" is "well at least I'm not  inexperienced/a terrorist/a socialist/a communist/a robot sent from the future".  We cannot elect a man whose judgement has gotten bad enough that he was willing to choose Sarah Palin as a running mate.  Even if that decision came from the campaign manager he needed to be a real Maverick and say no.  It is beyond lunacy to imagine having a Vice President who believes humans lived at the same time as dinosaurs, or whose idea of foreign policy experience is the ability to see a foreign land mass.  We cannot elect a man who once garnered the respect of Republicans and Democrats alike, and threw it all away during this campaign.

So please go out and vote today.  If you've already voted, then ask everyone you talk to today if they have voted.  And when you're voting, take a minute and think of where our country is at right now.  Barack Obama will restore our name in the world community.  Barack Obama will stop the senseless death and destruction in Iraq and refocus our attention on the people who actually perpetrated 9/11.  Barack Obama will put us on a track towards renewable energy independence.  Barack Obama will provide affordable and accessible health care to those who need it most.  Barack Obama will help us restore the middle class that drives this country.

I implore you all to get out there today and do what you can to make sure that Barack Hussein Obama is the next president of the United States of America. 


StayJay said...

Oscar Wilde! That's one of my favorite quotes. Now I'll read your article...

StayJay said...

Also, just to throw another thought out there... Has McCain recovered from, or been treated for, his experiences as a POW? Frankly, I worry more about his mental and emotional state, as well as his physical health, than I do that his policies reflect Bush's policies (though I don't agree with them in any case). The way he's chosen to run his campaign in the last few weeks doesn't demonstrate a balanced personality to me. Unless the only thing he can think of to win is to destroy Obama's cred - which is poor logic, in my opinion. Which is my own, and does not represent anyone else's but mine.

Ty said...

Whatever will I do with all my Canadian flag patches once Obama wins? I'll happily get American flags, but it seems a waste to just throw the Canadian ones away.