Friday, December 12, 2008

My spoon is too big

The end is in sight!

Today marks my successful completion of my project for my Animation course this semester, which is the last thing I needed to complete to have no more work until next semester starts.  This news isFREAKING AWESOME if I do say so myself.  

I am now one semester away from recieving my Master of Science Degree in Computer Science, with my entire next semester devoted to work on my thesis.  

Here is my animation for anyone interested, youtube compressed the hell out of it so it doesn't look as good as it does on my computer but I still think it is pretty ok.  


Ty said...

you should embed the video in your blog post, because that would be the shitz.

StayJay said...

What is this embedding?

Love the screaming banana... and the classic Tune.