I do so again.
This time I am not shilling for Dr. Horrible or Captain Hammer, but for Echo, Topher, Boyd, Ballard, and even Miss DeWitt. I am attempting to rally everyone I can around Dollhouse, another brilliant Whedon creation that Fox is poised and ready to terminate before it's time.
Those following me on Twitter have seen my nonstop series of tweets about Dollhouse, and will continue to see them for the rest of this week, because the Internet has unofficially declared this week Watch Dollhouse Week. I know all of my attempts are likely futile and have almost no hope of actually swaying the Fox executives one way or the other, but I will continue to try my best and utilize what is available to me to at least try to help.
So help me in the fight. Watch Dollhouse, preorder the first season DVDs, tell your friends, loved ones, neighbors, strangers on the bus to do the same. The rallying cry of the faithful was enough to resurrect the Firefly 'verse in movie form, perhaps we can save Dollhouse.
Who's "dollHouse?"
Hi, AJ. This is Camille. I love your blog!
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